You started your marijuana journey by smoking weed, and you really loved it, but now you want to take your cannabis experience to a new level by learning how to smoke hash.

If this describes you, be reassured that you are not alone, as many other enthusiasts in the cannabis community often ask questions about how they can start smoking hash. In this guide, you will learn the many different ways of smoking hash so you can try out any of the techniques you think is great for you to begin with.
But what exactly is hash?
Many dispensaries stock up on a wide range of concentrates, but one of the most sough-after is hash. Also known as hashish, hash is made from a concentrate derived from the “kief” or the dried resin of the flowering tops of mature and unpollinated female cannabis plants. Unlike your typical weed strains, that is popular in western culture, hash is more recognized in Africa and Asia, but most of the world is just catching up.
As hash is a weed concentrate with high levels of THC, people who are newbies to it are advised to start slow, so they don’t end up coughing excessively. Another reason you should start slow if you’re a beginner is that the THC levels in hash are around 20-60 percent, which is way higher than the weed, which has a THC potency of 10-20 percent. Just be chill and take it slowly, but as you build up a little tolerance, you can smoke more of the concentrate. Now that this is out of the way let’s take a higher hit of knowledge.

Seven ways of smoking hash
Smoking hash is not rocket science, as you can quickly learn how to consume it. You can smoke your favourite cannabis concentrate in 7 different ways, each of which is very effective and can provide a top-notch high.

1. Smoking hash using a pipe
Smoking hash using a pipe is not just one of the most common ways but also the easiest technique on the list. It is also an effective way of avoiding toxins and other carcinogens in the smoke. Before placing hash in your pipe or bong bowl, prime you hash first for a better smoking experience. Priming your hash involves putting the substance on a key or spoon and gently applying a flame until it is soft and crumbly in nature. Then place the chunk on your dabbing tool and heat the nail. Once the nail is red hot, place the dabbing tool on it so the concentrate melts and you then you can start inhaling. You can either smoke hash by itself or add flowers to it.

2. Smoking hash using a joint, blunt or spliff
If you roll your own herbal weed or tobacco cigarettes, you can smoke your hash with a joint or blunt or spliff. In other words, you can either smoke the hash by itself or add weed or tobacco to the mix, but keep in mind that the smoke may be harsher and the high higher than you may be used to. At this point, apply heat to the hash and spread it over the weed and then roll. You will need to push the hash out of the joint slowly, but make sure you don’t push it to the bottom, or the vapor might lose its potency.

3. Smoking hash using a vape pen
Most people seldom think of using a vape pen as a way of consuming hash, but it is the healthiest technique as you get exposed to fewer toxins compared to other methods, plus the effects kick in faster. Today, we have vaping pens dedicated to cannabis concentrates so you can inhale hash with ease. Your portable vaporizer’s manufacturer probably has a manual for consuming hash, so you just need to act in accordance with the instruction. Make sure you use the purest hash to reduce the residue on your atomizer so you can use your vape pen longer.

4. Smoking hash using a hookah
Hookah is essentially a pipe with one or many hoses, which is why it is ideal for groups and parties. If you want to use this technique, roll the hash into the balls and place them at the top of the hookah. Then fill three-quarters of the hookah with water and heat the charcoal till it is red hot so you can place it on the hash and start inhaling.

5. Smoking hash using heated knives
This method is old school and simple, but it can be quite dangerous as there’s a possibility of getting hurt if you are not careful. It is usually not recommended, but if you really must try it out, here’s how to go about it. Take two metallic spread blades and place it on the stovetop so they can heat up. Once hot, place a piece of the hash in between the knives, and it will immediately vaporize so you can inhale it right away.

6. Smoking hash using the hash globe
The hash globe is another vintage method that involves smoking the concentrate out using a needle and a globe with a cork bottom and a glass top. The way you smoke from it is to take a chunk of hash and stick it to the top of a needle, which then goes into the cork bottom of the globe. The chunk is then ignited and covered with the glass globe top once it begins smoking. The smoke will then begin to build, and when the globe is full of it, it is time to begin to inhale.

7. Smoking hash using a straw
This method is loved by hash smokers because it makes the process easy. Just take a chunk of hash and put it on the end of a paper clip and then light it up little by little. Take your straw closer and pull in the hash smoke through it.
Now that you know how to smoke your hash, you can get started with it right away. Each of the methods above is effective, but make sure you put your tolerance level into consideration so you can smoke responsibly. We carry a number of hash options, so feel free to visit our store to buy hash in Canada so you can enjoy the smooth, incredible high that hash has to offer.