How Much Weed Grows Per Plant?

The plant is the most important aspect of weed. It’s everything. Without the marijuana plant, there is no weed. Yet, like every living thing, each weed plant is different and thus there is a difference in how much weed can be produced per plant.

Weed plants are so different that there is no way to calculate an average amount of weed. Each time a plant is harvested, results vary in a manner that it is hard to predict what the next batch will provide.

However, there are many different factors that you can implement while growing your weed plant to increase the yield. Here are the different factors that affect how much weed can be cultivated per plant, as well as tips to produce a higher yield.

Choose Your Seeds Wisely

Choosing your seeds is the first and one of the most vital steps in growing successful, plentiful weed plants. If you have any experience with marijuana, you know that each plant, strain, and type has a specific purpose. Some plants are designed to get you higher, some are to help calm you down, and some are to help with specific ailments.

So, it makes sense that there would be specific seeds that offer a better harvest. This can be done by choosing the right seeds with high-quality genes. Thankfully, through conducting the right type of research, you can map the genealogy of almost any seed. Plus, when you start growing your own, you have the ability to reproduce the plants with the highest yield.

Another thing to take into consideration is how healthy each plant is. After all, if you only have four plants and one dies you automatically lose 25% of your harvest.

Do Not Try to Grow Bagseed

Bag seed is what the seeds that are found in the bottom of a purchased weed bag are called. When you first see a seed at the bottom of a bag, you might be tempted to plant it and see what happens.

Yet, if you are serious about growing weed, don’t do that. First of all, you don’t know what kind of seed it is. Secondly, it is probably not fertile. Is it possible that you could grow bag seed? Sure, but it is extremely unlikely to be worth your time.

Proper Germination

Implementing proper germination is another way to help proliferate how much weed you receive per plant. One way to initiate proper germination is to make sure the seeds are germinated early. This will allow the plants to grow large and be fruitful.

Additionally, when you are at the germinating stage it is always best to do so indoors. This way, you can properly manage the humidity and keep a consistent and healthy environment going for the sprouting seedlings.

Throughout the cultivation of your plants, you are also going to want to provide your plants with a bountiful amount of nutrients. However, you also want to take care not to overfeed your little buds. There are plenty of ways that nutrient solutions can be added to potted plants at different stages of their progression into maturity to make sure all of the plant’s current needs are met.

Amount of Light Available

The amount of light you give your cannabis plant plays a large role in producing a lot of weed per plant. Cannabis plants are very particular in the lighting they require. So, if you are using artificial lighting, a grower with a lot of experience can usually harvest one gram of weed from each watt of HPS light the plant is provided. For instance, if you give a weed plant artificial light with a 400-watt HPS bulb, you have the ability to potentially harvest 400 grams of weed from that plant.

The SCROG Technique

The Screen of Green (also known as the SCROG) technique is a popular method that growers use to help their plants get sufficient light and to help them grow flat. This method uses a screen or a net to act as a guide that forces the plants to grow a certain way. This way, the whole plant is getting direct exposure from the lights, which will turn into energy by the plant. The more energy the plant creates, the easier it is for the plant to produce massive yields.

Growth Medium

The amount of weed you can cultivate per plant has a lot to do with the growth medium you use. One of the best ways to produce the highest yield indoors is to use hydroponic gardening. This is essentially a method of gardening that does not require any soil. Hydroponics helps accelerate the rate of growth for your plants and helps to produce buds that are denser. Unfortunately, this growth medium does have a drawback. Since the roots come in direct contact with the nutrient solutions, you need to watch your plants very closely or you risk devastating results.

The good news is, if you are able to use the hydroponic method properly, you can produce as much as 1.2 grams of weed per watt of light. An example of a real-world application is that a 600-watt HPS lamp has the potential to produce 720 grams or more of weed.

Alternatively, when you use loam soil, which is soil that retains water but drains easily, whether you are working inside or outside you are likely to have a rich harvest.

Regardless of the specific type of soil you use, you always want to use dark, rich soil. You also want to choose soil that has an adequate amount of drainage.

However, clay soil is not recommended at all for inside or outside growing as it cannot drain properly and is too compact, which inhibits the proper growth of your plant’s root system.

Unfortunately, even the best soil will likely provide a lesser yield when compared to hydroponics, as soils of any kind act as a buffer to the nutrients being applied. This slows the rate of absorption. However, the soil also acts as a filter giving the plant itself a much greater chance of survival. The maximum yield when using soil is 1 gram per watt, which means that 600 watts of HPS lamp can produce 600 grams or 21 ounces of weed.

Keep Your PH Balanced

Maintaining the PH balance of a marijuana plant’s soil is another necessity that keeps your buds alive and thriving.

PH is the measurement of how acidic or alkaline a substance is. In this case, that substance is the growth medium you use. While growing Cannabis is not overly technical, maintaining the PH balance for your plants’ soil is something that you need to stay on top of.

If you are using soil, the level of PH in that soil varies from one place to the other. That is why it is important to make sure your PH level consistently remains somewhere between six and seven.

Are You Growing Indoors or Outdoors?

Woman Holding Marijuana Plant

Depending on your current growing situation, you might need to grow your marijuana indoors versus outdoors. Of course, when the climate is perfect, growing marijuana outdoors provides the highest yields. Outdoor grown weed plants can produce about 500 grams more than plants that are grown inside.

This is because real sunlight is better than artificial lamps. Plus, indoor setups are more expensive.

Although, sometimes, you do not have the luxury of growing your weed plants outdoors. In this case, it is possible to get a good weed harvest per plant while growing indoors. However, there are some specific factors you need to take into consideration.

Controlling Your Growing Environment

One of the best perks of growing your weed plants indoors is that you get to control your growing environment. This means that you have the freedom to choose:

  • Growing Location
  • Growing Medium
  • Maintaining the Right Soil PH
  • Temperature
  • Light Source
  • The CO2 Production
  • Humidity

Making a stable and predictable environment for your plants creates a more predictable outcome for your yield.


Space is a big deal when it comes to growing weed. There needs to be a lot of room for your marijuana plants to flourish and for you to receive a decent amount of growth per plant and per harvest. When the indoor environment is absolutely perfect for growth and abundance, 500 grams or 17.5 oz of weed can be cultivated in at least 2 meters or 50 liters of soil in a container. If you only have one or two plants, that doesn’t take up all that much room.

However, the more plants you want to grow, in order to have a steady supply of marijuana, the more room you are going to need. If you cram too many plants into one spot, you are going to have a hard time keeping your plants healthy and thriving. Plus, you risk destroying your whole batch if you are not careful.

Facilitate a Bigger Root Zone

To grow, plants need healthy roots and the marijuana plant is no different. The Root Zone is the foundation of your plants. Without a strong, thriving foundation, your weed is not going to thrive. The space that the roots have to mature as the plant matures is vital in helping the plant itself to grow. If you can maximize the size of your plant’s Root Zone, you will have a much better chance of propagating a plentiful harvest.

To close, even though a proper average cannot be concretely stated, there are numerous ways to produce a larger amount of weed from a single plant if the conditions are right, making it vital that you research your specific method of growing, environment, and growing technique to achieve the most weed per plant. You can also visit Online Dispensary Canada for some of the best cannabis strains in the nation if you decide that growing is more complicated than expected (we won’t judge!).

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